Olive Oil Ice-Cream


Olive Oil Ice-Cream


  • *Adapted from the Ravenous Couple
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons water
  • 3/4 cup whole milk
  • A generous pinch of salt salt
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/4 cup Olives On Tap Extra Virgin Olive Oil


  1. First off, create an ice bath using two different sized bowls. Put ice in the larger bowl and sit the smaller one inside. Add sugar, water, milk, and salt in a pan and heat on low.
  2. In another mixing bowl beat the egg yolks until they start to peak, then slowly combine it into the pan containing the other ingredients. Never stop stirring the pan. Continue on low heat until the sauce thickens out to a custard. Transfer the sauce to your ice bath and stir until cool and refrigerate covered overnight.
  3. Whisk in 1/4 cup of your favourite Olives On Tap extra virgin olive oil or infused olive oil. Put the mixture into your ice cream maker and let it do its thing. Once the ice cream maker is complete, place the ice cream in a covered bowl for several hours to allow it to firm up a bit. Upon serving, we drizzled a reduced Apple Dark Balsamic over our ice cream for effect. To create your own balsamic reduction, simply bowl down one of our balsamics on med low heat for 10 to fifteen minutes, until the vinegar lightly coats a spoon, then let cool and refrigerate.

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