Balsamic Marinated Flank Steak


Balsamic Marinated Flank Steak


  • *Thanks to J&J Cameron for this Recipe.
  • 3 lb flank steak
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh thyme
  • 2 Tbsp grainy mustard
  • ½ c Pomegranate Vinegar
  • 1 c Wild Mushroom Sage Oil
  • Salt, pepper


  1. In a blender combine garlic, thyme, grainy mustard and balsamic vinegar. Gradually add Wild Mushroom Sage Oil and blend until you have a creamy puree. Note that this marinade will be quite thick and creamy . Season with salt and pepper Place the flank steak in a large glass baking dish. Coat both sides of the meat with the marinade. Let sit covered for 24 hours in the fridge. Scrape the marinade off the steak. Grill the steak to taste.
  2. Put the marinade in a small pot and at a low temperature, stirring constantly, reduce the marinade to about half the quantity. Serve the marinade as a sauce for the meat or as a topping for sandwiches on the leftover meat the next day.

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